Welcome to the University of Iowa Mouse Knockout Search System


This database will help UI investigators share and maximize use of mouse strains already housed here. The goals are to maximize research gains by helping labs interested in the same genes to learn what resources are readily at hand, minimize the costs associated with importing the same strain multiple times, and when possible to minimize the number of animals being used. If you find a strain of interest to your work, please contact the lab directly, but note that inclusion in this database does not obligate sharing or that MTA’s won’t be necessary. Please remember to complete Animal Transfer forms when strains are shared.


Similar to the list serve that is already in existence, the database is supported by the Office of Animal Research, but is not part of any regulatory function. Participation in the database is voluntary, and is only accessible to the U of Iowa faculty, staff and students with a HawkID.


The database has two self explanatory functions, entering strains and searching for strains. Both require prior authorization(see below). Each function has a small number of fields. The database relies on official gene symbols(see MGI) if you need to see a list of aliases for your gene of interest.

For More Help

Email any questions, concerns or suggestions to mouseknockout@uiowa.edu.