Predicted Match Probability (PMP) calculator

PMP calculator is based on previous multiple years’ match result. It will be updated yearly with each year’s match result of the UICCM students.

Website has been established with the interactive PMP calculator and it will be accessible to M3/M4 students and SSFA’s. When logged in, PMP calculator will be populated with randomly chosen variables. Enter your credential to calculate your PMP.

Input variables:

  • Academic issues, phase I: Enter Yes if there was a course failure requiring a remediation.
  • Academic issues, phase II: Enter Yes if there was a clerkship shelf exam failure requiring 2nd attempt and/or course failure requiring a remediation.
  • Professionalism issues: Enter Yes if appearance before the Promotions Committee was required
  • Step 1 result: Pass or Fail on first attempt
  • Enter the Step 2 score: Numeric score even if Fail on first attempt. If Step 2 score is not available, use the practice exam score or the UICCM mean score: 248 (2021-2022), 245 (2020-2021), 247 (2019-2020)
  • Enter Honor hours in % through the core curriculum (For most of you it will be accumulated honor hours divided by 97)

Based on your input information, your PMP for each specialty will be shown in “Results” section.
Each specialty has been assigned to one of the three competitiveness rating: Low, Medium, or High

For example, 85% PMP means that based on the information gathered from previous years’ data, we estimate that this student has an 85% chance of matching in the chosen specialty.

Success in the Match process involves more than just measurable credentials. This PMP calculator should not be considered a definitive predictor of the Match outcome. It should be used as a tool to help students plan for the Match process.