Course Overview
Welcome to the Dementia and Challenging Behaviors training program. This training is helpful for anyone working with older adults with challenging behaviors. This series meets the State of
Iowa training requirement for Chronic Confusion and Dementing Illness (CCDI) units and facilities.
The training program is presented in eight units to allow you to divide the training into smaller pieces that
you can do in a limited amount of time. It consists of two audio presentations with slides and six interactive
lessons with real-life stories.
Once you log in, you will be taken to a screen that gives you a brief overview of the first unit and
instructions on how to work through it.
To move through the course, you will use the “PREVIOUS” and “NEXT” buttons that will be at the bottom of your screen. Do
not use the right arrow or left arrow at the top of your screen.
In these units, there are links to printable handouts that will be useful to you as you work through the training.
Viewing and printing these documents requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If your computer does not have this,
you may download it here.
If you are ready to go to the training, please log in.