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Molecular Biology Kits and Reagents | Modifying, Ligation, & Misc Enzymes

76209Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase rSAP 500 units M0371SeachNew England Biolabs
90216SUPERase-in RNase Inhibitor 10,000 units # AM2696eachAmbion-Life Technologies
91688T4 DNA Ligase Reaction Buffer 10X-6 ml #B0202SeachNew England Biolabs
139544Recomb TEV protease (N-terminal His-tag), 250ul TEeachUI Biomedical Research Store
141389Recomb SUMO protease (N-terminal His-tag), 20 ul SUMO-00-001 eachUI Biomedical Research Store
149437Quick CIP 200 ul-5 U/ul- 1000 units M0525SeachNew England Biolabs